Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Could it get any better??

Okay..heres the deal. This week has been crazy. We have been to the doctors office 4 times in the last 6 days!! First for Allison’s rash and Nicolas’ strep throat (all in one day).
Then Megan was seen on Sunday for strep also. Then yesterday, I was feeling horrible and went and although the strep test came back negative, the doctor went ahead and put me on antibodics. I still feel like crap by the way. Oh then the daycare called me yesterday evening telling me they thought Allison had Hand, Foot and Mouth disease..>GREAT.. Could it get any better? She doesn’t because on my 4th trip to the doctor this week I found that is “Its just viral”. Anyone else sick of paying their co-pay and hearing those words? Sorry, I really didn’t mean for this session to be a complete complaint but dang…could my week get any worse? Oh yes…. I gained a pound.
UGH……….Here’s to a more positive, healthy week!!! PLEASE!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday again!

Well its monday again. No important news to report. Yesterday was Mother's Day and it was nice day. My kids were all really pretty good and we all went to out for dinner.
Oh..I do have some exciting news to report. My weight gain really wasn't as bad as I thought. Seems as though I have confirmed that the scale here at work has been tampered with. My scale at home actually weights less than the one here now by 1lb. Either way......I did weigh today and I have lost 1/2 lb this week. So not as good as I had hoped for but better than staying the same or gaining.
It is really tough eating healthy. I totally obsess about food. I did really good Tues, Wed and Thurday last week but the weekend I pretty much blew it . Hopefully this week I will do a little better .....Here's hoping!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Time to lose weight!

Time to lose weight!

So I have gotten to where I only weigh myself about once a month. Obvlously this past month I have been eating like crazy because the scale says I have gained 4 lbs. Yikes! I have got to get a handle on it because I do not lose weight easily. I am thinking that I definitely need to start wearing my pedometer again. I am not sure if that thing really helps or not but at least I consciously know how many steps I am taking and if I need to walk more. Next, I totally need to stop eating so many sweets. They are my downfall for sure. UGH. .. I am just so disgusted with myself right now. My goal is to lose those 4lbs by next month June 5 (one month from now) and then lose 4 more by July 4th ( when we leave for vacation. I know I can do it but gosh it is not fun at all! 8llb lighter…here I come!