Friday, December 18, 2009

Tis the Season!!

It seems like forever since Ive updated my blog.There just isnt enought hours in the day !! Today is Nicolas' 6th b-day. I cant believe that 6 years ago today my little baby boy was born. Wow..just writing that brings tears to my eyes. He has gotten so big and so smart. He is doing fabulouis in Kindergarten, not one problem at all (even in behavior ...LOL) Also he is a fantastic basketball player. He is by far the best player on the team. last week he scored 10 points when teh final score of the game was just 13-6!
Can you tell that I am a proud momma??? We celebrated his birthday part last weekend. He had a pool party . All of the kids relaly enjoyed swimming. This week I am trying to finish up last minute christams shopping and wrapping and also planning the girls 3rd b-day part... Whew...Last but not least I do want to mention that I am so thankful to be doing all of this stuff. I know it may be overwhelming at times but I have been so blessed I try to remember that daily!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just thought I’d give a quick November update. Allison has now had three ear infections (each at the beginning of Sept, Oct and Nov). I am thinking that we are heading down the road of a 2nd set of tubes.
My brother Will is heading to Iraq in just two weeks so that had been weighing heavily on my mind. On a positive note however, my little sister Emily will be finding out the sex of her baby this Friday. That is always exciting!
Oh I also wanted to share some new photos of the 3 kids. My friend Kristey at work took these and did a fantastic job!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Well its been awhile since I posted so I thought I’d give a quick update . The kids have been doing great. Knock on wood. I almost hate to mention when everyone is doing well because it always seems like someone gets sick as soon as I say that. Nicolas had his first field trip in last September to Evan’s Orchard. I got to go with him and we had a great time touring the orchard and picking a pumpkin.
The girls are learning more and more at daycare. They both can now singing a bunch of songs and also count to 20. Allison still is mother hen to Megan but most of the time Megan is okay with that. They are the best of friends most of the time. Yesterday in the car ride home I heard Allison ask Megan, “Megan, do you want to play with the strollers with me when we get home?” Megan said yes of course. It was so sweet.
Right now Megan says all of the time “I did that YESTERDAY.” Everything is Yesterday. Allison is always saying right before she is getting ready to get in trouble… “Mommy I am a good listener.”. Very cute. The just grow so fast!
I cant believe they will be 3 in just 2 ½ short months!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sept 3rd? Already?

Well I can’t believe it is already September. Seems like yesterday it was just warming up for summer and now its getting ready to be fall. Why is it that the older you get the faster time passes? I remember as a kid it seeming like years for Christmas to come. Now its like a blink of an eye and another year has passed. I just wanted to update a bit on the kids. Nicolas is now on his 4th week at school and doing great. He has got a green light (great day) every single day. I probably should knock on wood. I am glad he is doing so well.
The girls are completely potty trained! YEAH! I still put pull ups on them at night even though Allison hasn’t had an accident overnight in probably 3 weeks. Megan still is about 50% wet in the mornings so I think I will get her just a little longer before we tackle the panties at night. I am hoping to be able to do it at the same time. Neither are having any accidents during the day now and are even telling me everytime they need to go.That is a relief for me because at 1st I was taking them like every 45 minutes - 1 hour.
They moved to a new room at daycare . The Green Frogs. This class is for 2 ½ year- 4 year olds. They are learning more and more each day.
Allison told me the other morning that her birthday was in January just out of the blue. I guess they were teaching her that at daycare because I can’ recall telling her that. It’s funny how much little ones can pick up.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

1st day of Kindergarten

Nicolas’ 1st day of Kindergarten

Well I guess it was inevitable. The first day of kindergarten finally arrived. I think that I was more anxious than Nicolas. I hoped that I wouldn’t get too emotional as we walked in the school and I surprised myself- I didn’t. Nicolas has a great morning. He woke up all smiles and ready for the day. He ate his Cheerios and was ready for the morning. Derek, Allison and Megan and I dropped him off at 7:20 and he just sat right down and started coloring. “Bye, Mom” he said without any hesitation. Derek and I just kinda looked at each other both thinking that he was way too independent. I am so glad he wasn’t scared or nervous. I now have a kindergartener. Crazy!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Big Girl Beds and NO more Pullups!

Whew! What a weekend! The girls are officially in “BIG GIRL BEDS” and wearing panties (during the day only ). Wow…where has the time went? Seems like yesterday the preemie diapers swallowed them. Yesterday was the first day of daycare where they wore the big girl panties all day. Allison did awesome. Only 1 accident all day. Megan, on the other hand, has not mastered staying dry yet. She had 5 accidents total all day. I am not sure where the problem is exactly because she goes potty almost every time she sits on the potty but she only goes a little bit. I guess it’s a process but I am hoping by the fall we are pretty much over the daily accidents. I would say that its much easier to change dirty shorts and then dirty winter pants.
About the beds…….they were so excited to get big beds. Its funny because I had to actually buy them stools to get on them! They are just normal twin beds but their little legs are just really short.
Allison picked Princess bedding and Megan picked Dora. Even though I am not a huge fan of character bedding I decided to pick my battles.
They love their beds and that’s all that really matters. Sunday night they stayed up til after 10 pm talking though. I think they were just really excited because they have always been in the same room together. Just girls I guess!
Just thought I’d update. Only 1 week and half til Nicolas starts Kindergarten! I am not sure mommy is ready for all of this Big Steps! LOL!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Just thought I’d add a quick note about the girls 2 ½ year check up. They are growing so fast .
Here are the stats.

Allison 27lb even 35% 34 ½ inches tall 20%.
Megan 24lb 4 oz 5% 33 inches tall 3%.

They are both doing really well. There growth curve looks great although they are both still small and more than likely always be.

They are both talking up a storm and doing pretty well on the potty.
I believe they will be out of pullups during the day within a month! YEAH!

One more quick note. Allison said the funniest thing yesterday on the way home from the checkup. She said, “mommy what are you drinking?” I said “Coke”. She said “Can I have a drink?” I said, No. (She knows she doesn’t get to drink coke.). She said, “AWEEEEE MAN! I drink coke when I get older?”
She is a nut.


Well we are back from our vacation. Destin was awesome . We had a fabulous trip. They kids were all good and the drive back and forth went extremely smooth. My nightmare of uncontrolled screaming never happened . YEAH!
We all had a blast. My favorite part of the entire trip happened on the 2nd morning we were there. We went to the beach early that morning and Nicolas smiled ear to ear and said, “Thanks you mommy so much for bringing me here.” I almost cried. I knew right then that the trip was worth it.
Here are a few pictures from our visit.

Monday, June 29, 2009



Okay, so only 6 more days til vacation. YEAH! We are all very excited. Of course there is always that 10 + hour drive to think about that keeps weighing on my mind. Please ,please, please let it not be miserable…GOD, hear my prayers!
Update on the weight loss …………well, there is no update. I can honestly say that I have not lost 1 single pound in almost 2 months. Although I haven’t been watching what I eat, I definitely turned up the exercising. I didn’t lose 1 single pound. Well I guess that is better than gaining, right?

Friday, June 12, 2009


My niece Whitney is getting married next month and over the weekend my sister Christi had her a wedding shower. I told Allison and Megan time and time again over the week that we were going to Whitney's shower. They seemed happy about going. As we were leaving Sunday, I heard Allie in the back seat telling Megan, "Megan, we going to Whitney's shower. We watch Whitney take bath?"
It was so cute. I never thought to explain to the girls that the shower we were going to didn't involve bathing!! LOL!
I went on to explain to them that the wedding shower we were going to was actually a party....where there is gifts, games, and food! They, of course, got even more excited.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Family Pictures

A few weeks back we had our family pictures made. My cousins wife Mickie did them for us and I was so impressed with her work. She is a fabulous photographer. Just thought I'd share some of the pictures.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nicolas’ interpretation of “Great”

Nicolas’ interpretation of “Great”

So we were driving home from daycare yesterday and Nicolas and I were talking about how much fun he had over the weekend spending time with his cousin Noah. I knew that he had went to church with my sister Emily and Noah and I was asking him if he had saw Grandma and Grandpa Sirles there. He said yes and that he had given her a hug. I was really glad that he did that because I knew that would make her happy. I went on to explain that she was actually his “Great” Grandma Sirles. He looked puzzled for a minute and said… “Is that because I love her so much?”.
Kids are so funny… I told him yes but also explained the family chain to him.

Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1st, Already??

June 1st

I can’t believe its already June 1st. This year is flying by. Only 34 more days til vacation. Watch out Destin…here we come. YEAH! Although I am super excited I am also pretty nervous about the whole 10 hour drive. I know we will survive but I am sure it will be rough with the kids.
This past weekend was really eventful. Derek and I went to see Kenny Chesney. The concert was great. All of the groups sounded really good.
One really funny thing Allison said this weekend was “Daddy, come here, I am going to tell you what to do.” She is so bossy its hilarious. She is a lot like Nicolas.
Well I was down a little over 1lb last week from the start of May 5th (pretty pathetic) but I didn’t even weigh this morning because I am sure all of the food I ate this weekend will probably put me over from where I even started.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Could it get any better??

Okay..heres the deal. This week has been crazy. We have been to the doctors office 4 times in the last 6 days!! First for Allison’s rash and Nicolas’ strep throat (all in one day).
Then Megan was seen on Sunday for strep also. Then yesterday, I was feeling horrible and went and although the strep test came back negative, the doctor went ahead and put me on antibodics. I still feel like crap by the way. Oh then the daycare called me yesterday evening telling me they thought Allison had Hand, Foot and Mouth disease..>GREAT.. Could it get any better? She doesn’t because on my 4th trip to the doctor this week I found that is “Its just viral”. Anyone else sick of paying their co-pay and hearing those words? Sorry, I really didn’t mean for this session to be a complete complaint but dang…could my week get any worse? Oh yes…. I gained a pound.
UGH……….Here’s to a more positive, healthy week!!! PLEASE!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday again!

Well its monday again. No important news to report. Yesterday was Mother's Day and it was nice day. My kids were all really pretty good and we all went to out for dinner.
Oh..I do have some exciting news to report. My weight gain really wasn't as bad as I thought. Seems as though I have confirmed that the scale here at work has been tampered with. My scale at home actually weights less than the one here now by 1lb. Either way......I did weigh today and I have lost 1/2 lb this week. So not as good as I had hoped for but better than staying the same or gaining.
It is really tough eating healthy. I totally obsess about food. I did really good Tues, Wed and Thurday last week but the weekend I pretty much blew it . Hopefully this week I will do a little better .....Here's hoping!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Time to lose weight!

Time to lose weight!

So I have gotten to where I only weigh myself about once a month. Obvlously this past month I have been eating like crazy because the scale says I have gained 4 lbs. Yikes! I have got to get a handle on it because I do not lose weight easily. I am thinking that I definitely need to start wearing my pedometer again. I am not sure if that thing really helps or not but at least I consciously know how many steps I am taking and if I need to walk more. Next, I totally need to stop eating so many sweets. They are my downfall for sure. UGH. .. I am just so disgusted with myself right now. My goal is to lose those 4lbs by next month June 5 (one month from now) and then lose 4 more by July 4th ( when we leave for vacation. I know I can do it but gosh it is not fun at all! 8llb lighter…here I come!

Monday, April 27, 2009

silly car ride

Oh... I just had to share. Here is one of the reasons why I really wanted to start a blog. My kids are Nicolas, 5, and Allison and Megan 2 year old twins. All of my kids are super cute and say the most hilarious things at times. This morning this is what I heard in the car on the way to daycare.
Allison to Megan, "Do you want to look at this book?"
Megan to Allison "NO".
Allison to Megan"MEGAN, ewe no tell me NO...Ewe want to go to corner?"
Megan to Allison "NO".
This was so funny. Nicolas and I were cracking up.
Heres a little background info. Allison is my mother hen. She loves to Megan what to do and take care of her at the same time. Megan generally will let her.....
MOST of the time but not THIS morning.

1st timer

I am finally joining the blogging world. YAY! I love reading other peoples blogs so I thought it was time for me to finally join in. Although my life is fairly boring, I figured if anything, I would be able to look back and see what the heck I do every day. My memory is horrible. Here going NOTHING!!