Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Big Girl Beds and NO more Pullups!

Whew! What a weekend! The girls are officially in “BIG GIRL BEDS” and wearing panties (during the day only ). Wow…where has the time went? Seems like yesterday the preemie diapers swallowed them. Yesterday was the first day of daycare where they wore the big girl panties all day. Allison did awesome. Only 1 accident all day. Megan, on the other hand, has not mastered staying dry yet. She had 5 accidents total all day. I am not sure where the problem is exactly because she goes potty almost every time she sits on the potty but she only goes a little bit. I guess it’s a process but I am hoping by the fall we are pretty much over the daily accidents. I would say that its much easier to change dirty shorts and then dirty winter pants.
About the beds…….they were so excited to get big beds. Its funny because I had to actually buy them stools to get on them! They are just normal twin beds but their little legs are just really short.
Allison picked Princess bedding and Megan picked Dora. Even though I am not a huge fan of character bedding I decided to pick my battles.
They love their beds and that’s all that really matters. Sunday night they stayed up til after 10 pm talking though. I think they were just really excited because they have always been in the same room together. Just girls I guess!
Just thought I’d update. Only 1 week and half til Nicolas starts Kindergarten! I am not sure mommy is ready for all of this Big Steps! LOL!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Just thought I’d add a quick note about the girls 2 ½ year check up. They are growing so fast .
Here are the stats.

Allison 27lb even 35% 34 ½ inches tall 20%.
Megan 24lb 4 oz 5% 33 inches tall 3%.

They are both doing really well. There growth curve looks great although they are both still small and more than likely always be.

They are both talking up a storm and doing pretty well on the potty.
I believe they will be out of pullups during the day within a month! YEAH!

One more quick note. Allison said the funniest thing yesterday on the way home from the checkup. She said, “mommy what are you drinking?” I said “Coke”. She said “Can I have a drink?” I said, No. (She knows she doesn’t get to drink coke.). She said, “AWEEEEE MAN! I drink coke when I get older?”
She is a nut.


Well we are back from our vacation. Destin was awesome . We had a fabulous trip. They kids were all good and the drive back and forth went extremely smooth. My nightmare of uncontrolled screaming never happened . YEAH!
We all had a blast. My favorite part of the entire trip happened on the 2nd morning we were there. We went to the beach early that morning and Nicolas smiled ear to ear and said, “Thanks you mommy so much for bringing me here.” I almost cried. I knew right then that the trip was worth it.
Here are a few pictures from our visit.